Tutto quello che hanno detto T&T su sparrabeth e willabeth

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view post Posted on 21/12/2007, 17:11

Grazie a Ira sul nostro forum russo abbiamo pubblicato tanti dichiarazioni di T&T sulle relazioni tra Jack, Liz e Will.
Maggior parte di queste dichiarazioni abbiamo preso dal blog di Terry e dal forum T&T . Ma qui posterò tutto quello che abbiamo trovato sull'internet, ovviamente indicando il link del sito di origine.
Se voi avete qualcosa, postatelo qui, in questo topic.

Comincio con questo curioso racconto di Terry, che ho trovato sul suo blog.

"In the midst of filming, we all become more and more aware of the fan base. People are talking about something called 'shipping' which, if you're working on a pirate film, can be a bit confusing, as we do have a lot of ships, and they do have personalities. Eventually it becomes clear that 'shippers' and 'shipping' is derived from the word, 'relationship' and is shorthand for fans who are promoting different romantic entanglements among the characters. So if you were in favor of the Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann pairing, that would make you a Sparrabether, or Sparrabeth shipper. As opposed to the Willabethers, who were in favor of Will and Elizabeth romance. I explain it to Gore in between shots and he responds with a bemused, pained look and goes back to work ..."

Ecco la traduzione, spero che sia giusta. :rolleyes:
"A metà del lavoro sul film (si intende POTC3) noi sapevamo sempre di più cosa ne pensano i fan. La gente parla di cosidetto "shipping", che vi può confondere se lavorate su un film dei pirati, perchè voi pensate ai navi, ma loro parlano dei personaggi. Diventa tutto più chiaro quando capite che le parole 'shippers' e 'shipping' derivano dalla parola 'relationship'. Queste parole accorciate le usano i fan per definire le copie. Allora, se siete un fan della copia Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann, voi vi chiamate Sparrabether, oppure Sparrabeth shipper. Al contrario, Willabethers sono i fan di copia Will e Elizabeth.
Ho raccontato questo a Gore mentre lui lavorava. Lui mi ha guardato con una compassione ed è tornato al suo lavoro..."

Povero Terry... :rolleyes: cercava di spiegare a Gore cosa vogliono i fan, ma si vede, che a lui non ne fregava niente. :(

view post Posted on 21/12/2007, 20:51

uffa! se sl avesse ascoltato!
view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 12:15

Scusare, non ho continuato questo topic, perchè non mi funziona il forum di T&T , dove ho salvato le loro frase su sparrabeth. In attesa che webmaster di quel sito salvi le mie impostazioni, posto una frase, che abbiamo già pubblicato negli altri topic. L'avete sicuramente già letta, ma probabilmente qualcuno di voi non la conosce.

Terry parla di come si sente Elizabeth dopo la morte di Jack:

I think when you decide to send someone you may indeed love to their death, a single tear might be in order, given that it reveals a part of yourself you might not be able to live with.

Penso che se voi decidete di uccidere qualcuno che potevate amare veramente una lacrima può essere giustificata, rivelando una parte di voi stessi con quale voi non potrete vivere.
~ S a n d y •
view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 13:29

"A metà del lavoro sul film (si intende POTC3) noi sapevamo sempre di più cosa ne pensano i fan. La gente parla di cosidetto "shipping", che vi può confondere se lavorate su un film dei pirati, perchè voi pensate ai navi, ma loro parlano dei personaggi. Diventa tutto più chiaro quando capite che le parole 'shippers' e 'shipping' derivano dalla parola 'relationship'. Queste parole accorciate le usano i fan per definire le copie. Allora, se siete un fan della copia Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann, voi vi chiamate Sparrabether, oppure Sparrabeth shipper. Al contrario, Willabethers sono i fan di copia Will e Elizabeth.
Ho raccontato questo a Gore mentre lui lavorava. Lui mi ha guardato con una compassione ed è tornato al suo lavoro..."

Povero Terry... cercava di spiegare a Gore cosa vogliono i fan, ma si vede, che a lui non ne fregava niente

sanno della nostra esistenza!
view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 13:54

ma ma.... che maledetto bas****o!
~ S a n d y •
view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 14:15

si ma è proprio insopportabile!
• H o l l y »
view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 14:35

Allora, se siete un fan della copia Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann, voi vi chiamate Sparrabether, oppure Sparrabeth shipper

terry sa della nostra esistenza! e siamo citati pèrima dei willabeth!

Ho raccontato questo a Gore mentre lui lavorava. Lui mi ha guardato con una compassione ed è tornato al suo lavoro..."

mi è sempre stato antipatico, ora lo odio definitivamente.FUCK YOU!
view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 21:26

CITAZIONE (• H o l l y » @ 3/1/2008, 14:35)
terry sa della nostra esistenza! e siamo citati pèrima dei willabeth!

Terry non solo sa della nostra esistenza, lui seguiva di continuo cosa scrivevano i fan sui forum l'anno scorso. Questo lo si capisce da come parlava di noi. Lui è anche registrato sul questo forum e scriveva qui

view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 21:57


view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 22:37

Ragazze, grazie a Ira, ecco un post di Terry preso dal KTTK! Ecco il link
Se avete bisogno della traduzione, ditemi. ;)

Hi everyone, Terry here, one of the co-writers. I tend to believe it's not up to the writers to explain stuff, because what's on screen should suffice. An artistic work should require no defense, yadda yadda.

But accusations of 'plot holes' and 'bad plot devices' and such bring out the 'protect the cub' in me. So ... consider ...

We didn't make Jack 'suddenly' have Compass trouble caused by Elizabeth. Nowhere in the film does the text state that Jack 'suddenly' has Compass trouble caused by Elizabeth.

Jack's problem, to start the film, and as stated in the film, is that "Time's up." His debt with Jones is due, and he's not likely to talk his way out of it. But think about it ... Jack is no dummy ... he was ALREADY searching for the key when this information arrived via Bootstrap. Jack knew all along that the debt was coming due (that's what the line, "so it's you, then" meant. Jack knew someone would come for him, and it turned out to be Bootstrap Bill -- a bit of cruelty on Jones' part, perhaps?)

So Jack's 'strange behavior' as referred to by Marty has been ongoing, and is related to the Compass, in a sense, but only in combination with Jack's situation. Jack has been getting more and more concerned about the debt (worried enough to go into a horrible prison, worried enough to not do a lick of honest pirating, etc). And at the very moment when Jack could reeeeeallly use this Compass to work as it should -- dammit -- the thing doesn't work.

The trigger of the story then, is *not* the Compass suddenly not working, but the debt coming due to a man whose Compass hasn't worked in quite a while.

So Jack finds himself in a tough spot -- he thinks the thing he wants most is to find the chest of Davy Jones, but the Compass is telling him there is at least one other thing he would want more. Yes, the big clue as to what that might be comes in Tia Dalma's shack -- "what is it that vexes a man?" And Jack says, "A woman."

In the text of the movie, then, there's no way to NOT make the connection ... a guy has a problem with his Compass ... says that the thing that vexes all men is a woman. Ergo, Jack is vexed by a woman.

So who is the woman?

It's interesting, when you think about it, because the film does not say explicity. Tia Dalma makes the connection that -- in another story -- a man fell in love with a woman as wild and untamable as the sea.

So ... does the Compass not work because Jack is in love with the sea, a feminine symbol -- more than needing the Chest?

On the other hand, there is no denying the chemistry and heat that occures between Jack and Elizabeth (and their connection on Rumrunner's island.) Does the Compass not work because Elizabeth crossed into Jack's life -- and he wants her, that connection with another human being that even the sea cannot provide? Does Jack see qualities in Elizabeth (and all women) that are similar to the sea itself?

Provocative questions.

My belief is that Jack is truly 'vexed.' Vexed is not the same as 'in love' (hah, though some might say it is close). It's not the same as 'want' although one can be vexed by themselves and the things they find themselves wanting. All we know is Jack crosses paths with Elizabeth and all of a sudden his Compass is spinning. (Were it me, I might have found it interesting to see if the Compass indeed pointed at Elizabeth when Jack held it, but the film doesn't show that.) The film shows the Compass spinning, so there should be no complaints along the lines that Jack is easily, safely, romantically, simply in love with Elizabeth moreso than the Pearl or the sea -- the film doesn't say that. (We even go so far as to say the opposite -- to Elizabeth herself!! -- "My first and only love is the sea.")

What the film does show is Elizabeth has vexed Jack's Compass. A man who used to simply love only freedom finds -- to his own great consternation -- a part of him wants something that he doesn't fully understand. But he wants it (he even says -- again to Elizabeth!! -- "I want to taste it.")

Now suddenly we have a man who used to have a simple desire -- freedom as offered by his ship and the sea -- who now finds himself with a bit of inner turmoil. Torn. Is there a desire for Elizabeth and could it grow? Perhaps Elizabeth, or being with Elizabeth, represent his desire to let that 'honest streak' come out and live the life of a good man?

Maybe. The point being, even Jack could not say for sure what the Compass is doing, or what it shows, as Jack, or parts of Jack, are a mystery to even Jack himself.

He is VEXED.

Edited by piratessa - 3/1/2008, 22:53
• H o l l y »
view post Posted on 3/1/2008, 23:25

oddio! bella! cobnferma la teoria che la noatra anti sparrabeth, miss rainey ha negato, ovvero la storia della bussola
vorrei tradurveklo io me è troppo lungo e sn stamnca!
• H o l l y »
view post Posted on 11/1/2008, 17:13

Box Office Mojo: Can you give an example of an idea you refused to compromise?
Ted Elliott: In the very first meeting we had on Pirates 2 and possibly Pirates 3, we kind of pitched to Gore, [and producers] Jerry Bruckheimer, Mike Stenson and Chad Oman how the movie ends—I don't want to spoil it—with Jack, Will and Elizabeth. We said 'this is what we want and then in Pirates 3, this happens.' They were like, 'nyahh.' But we've learned an important lesson, which is that the right idea at the wrong time is a wrong idea. So, we stopped and said, 'alright,' and talked about what more we wanted to do with this movie. A couple of weeks later, Gore had come back to those [same] ideas and, now, they're there. There is a point where the writer has to be allowed to take responsibility for the work—or not take responsibility for the movie.

Box Office Mojo: What is the meaning of the series?
Ted Elliott: It's a study of what is a pirate. How free can you really be? What are those trade-offs? Jack kind of represents the ultimate free man—he really has no obligations to anybody, and, obviously, if you make an obligation to somebody, you're limiting your own freedom. But, if you're not willing to limit your own freedom, you can't have those relationships. If you look at Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest from that point of view, you kind of see what really leads to Jack's ultimate fate and why Elizabeth does what she does.
-from boxofficemojo.com

terry:"Got to talk a little bit about merchandizing. There really should be a Pirates of the Caribbean board game of some type. And I want to see a really high-end chess set. The pawns could be British Navy and look mostly the same, slight variations to suggest Murtogg, Mullroy, Groves, etc. Beckett as King? Or Davy Jones? Put Tia Dalma on that side as Queen. Jack and Elizabeth as King and Queen, or should it be William? Or make William a Bishop? What side does Barbossa go on? Made the suggestion about Jack-the-Monkey puppet, reversable, undead on one side, live on the other. Found out they're doing a Pirate's Dice (Perudo style) game! Our plan actually worked!"

Un santo a casa (Irene) che traduce questo e ciò che è sopra detto da Piratessa?
view post Posted on 12/1/2008, 13:18

Holly, grazie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CITAZIONE (• H o l l y » @ 11/1/2008, 17:13)
Box Office Mojo: What is the meaning of the series?
Ted Elliott: It's a study of what is a pirate. How free can you really be? What are those trade-offs? Jack kind of represents the ultimate free man—he really has no obligations to anybody, and, obviously, if you make an obligation to somebody, you're limiting your own freedom. But, if you're not willing to limit your own freedom, you can't have those relationships. If you look at Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest from that point of view, you kind of see what really leads to Jack's ultimate fate and why Elizabeth does what she does.
-from boxofficemojo.com

AAAAA, ma qui dice praticamente che Elizabeth ha capito che Jack non rinuncerà mai alla sua libertà. E' possibile che queste parole di Ted significano che Liz è tornata di Will perchè ha capito che tra lei e Jack non funzionerà mai? :cry:

CITAZIONE (• H o l l y » @ 11/1/2008, 17:13)
Un santo a casa (Irene) che traduce questo e ciò che è sopra detto da Piratessa?

Ragazze, appena avrò un pò di tempo, cercherò di fare la traduzione.
• H o l l y »
view post Posted on 12/1/2008, 23:45

AAAAA, ma qui dice praticamente che Elizabeth ha capito che Jack non rinuncerà mai alla sua libertà. E' possibile che queste parole di Ted significano che Liz è tornata di Will perchè ha capito che tra lei e Jack non funzionerà mai?

la teoria sparrabeth ufficiale-la tradurròpprima o poi-dice esattametne questo!
• H o l l y »
view post Posted on 8/6/2008, 18:07

quanlcuno può tradurre questi ultimi 2 pezzi così li posto sul sito?
22 replies since 21/12/2007, 17:11   548 views