[CLIP] | Scene sparrabeth tagliate

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view post Posted on 25/6/2007, 18:53

eccole per voi...posto sl quelle sparrabeth, le altre sn sceme:


belle, belllissime....peccatao ke le abbiamo tolte...inq eusta scena diventano in 1 certos enso amici, no?

eccono1 altra a cui ci si riferisce spesso: la fmaosa frase "peas in a a pod love"

view post Posted on 1/7/2007, 00:14

che belleeeeeeee,se magari mi dite cosa hanno detto xo' sarebbe meglio (perdonate la mia ignoranza nelle lingue straniere hehe)
view post Posted on 3/7/2007, 10:19

prima scrna:

Scene 24 (A deleted scene and Welcome to the Caribbean)

(Jack is on the beach thoroughly cleaning his pistol, Elizabeth had just finished walking around the island and comes up to Jack.)

Jack: "It's really not all that big is it."

Elizabeth: "If your going to shoot me, please do so with out delay."

Jack: "Is there a problem between us Ms.Swann?"

Elizabeth: "You were going to tell Barbossas about Will in exchange for a ship!"

Jack: "We could use a ship! The fact is I wasn't going to tell Barbossa about bloody Will in exchange for a ship, because as long as he didn't know about bloody Will, I had something to bargain with. Which now no one has; thanks to bloody stupid Will!"

Elizabeth: "Oh."

Jack: "Oh."

Elizabeth: (says this as Jack gets up.) "He still risked his life to save ours!"

(Jack is walking towards forest.)

Jack: "Ha!"

Elizabeth: "Well we have to do something to save him!"
Jack: "Off you go then, let me know how that turns out!"
(Elizabeth is following Jack quickly threw the forest.)

Elizabeth: "But you were marooned on this island before ward you said we can escape in the same way you did then!"
Jack: (stops and turns around.) "To what point and purpose young missy! The Black Pearl is gone; and unless you have a rudder and a lot of sails hidden in that bottice; unlikely. Young Mr. Turner will be dead long before you can reach him."

Elizabeth: "But your Captain Jack Sparrow! You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company. (Jack hits tree and takes two big steps while she says that and gives an what are you talking about face.) You escaped this fort without even firing a shot! (jumps on hidden door.) Are you, the pirate I read about or not? How did you escape last time?"


Jack: "Welcome to the Caribbean love!"

(Jack pushes passed he and goes back to beach and Elizabeth quickly follows.)

Elizabeth: "So, is there any truth to the other stories?"

Jack: "Truth? (Shows her tattoo, big scar on arm and bullet shots in chest.) No truth at all! We have a month maybe more. Keep a weather eye open for passing ships our luck is fair."

Elizabeth: "Well what about Will, we have to do something."

Jack: (takes a drink of rum and rolls it to Elizabeth.) "Your absolutely right! Here's luck to you Will Turner!"
Elizabeth: (picks up rum and sits by Jack and opens it.) "Drink up me hearties yo ho!"

Jack: "What was that Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth: "Ms. Swann! Nothing, its just a song I learned as a child when I thought it would rather exciting to meet a pirate!"

Jack: "Lets have it!"

Elizabeth: "No!"

Jack: "Come on we've got the time. So lets have it!"

Elizabeth: "No, besides I'd have to have a lot more to drink!"

Jack: "How much more?" (Smiles big and takes a drink.)

(Jack and Elizabeth are dancing and singing around a fire and they are drunk.)

Elizabeth and Jack: "We stilther and sulfur and really bad eggs, drink up me hearties yo ho! Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me!"

l'ultima nn la trov, provo a scrivere io:

-lizzi: nn gli hai detto della maledizione
-jack:nemmeno tu...per la stessa ragione, amore
lizzi: non avrebbe rischiato
jack: (una cosa che non capisco, poi) non fraintendermi amore, io adoro le persone che fanno qualcosa di sbagliatos e è n3cessario (1 cosa del genere)
-lizzi (dice 1 cosa tipo ti sbagli, poi) io nn mi potrei mai difare di te!
jack: 2 goccie d'acqua, cara (peas in a pod, darling ::) è una delle mie frasi sparrabeth preferite)

commodoro: con me, sparrow

fine...sn strata brava?????
view post Posted on 3/7/2007, 12:29

sei stata bravissima!!! ^^
view post Posted on 3/7/2007, 13:27

grazie...io skleravo vedendo quelle scene x lìingiustizia...però io ormai le sento cm parte integrante del film ... :)
view post Posted on 3/7/2007, 19:49

grazie grazie,bravissima
view post Posted on 6/7/2007, 22:11

sn bellissime ke rabbia ke le hanno tolte...
view post Posted on 6/7/2007, 22:38

gia',ci stavano stupendamente
view post Posted on 26/7/2007, 13:09

raghi ki è bravo può tradurle??? vi prego!!!!! uffina le parti più belle dove c'erano solo jack e lizzie le hanno cancellate che cattivi!
view post Posted on 26/7/2007, 20:48

e gia',abituatici troverai un sacco di delusione nei film ke ti piacciono di piu',ueeeeeeeeeeee sn bellisssimeeeeeeeeeeeeee,che peccato asd
pirate jack
view post Posted on 29/8/2007, 11:20

qlcn mi può dire k cs hanno detto (in italiano)??
view post Posted on 29/8/2007, 11:27

pirate jack,è difficile trovare l'anima pia che te lo traduca asdsdasdasdaf
pirate jack
view post Posted on 29/8/2007, 11:31

hihi....lo so....xò....tnt volte succedesse 1 miracolo.....skerzo!!
view post Posted on 3/9/2007, 10:32

Brava come sempre!!! Grazie per i video anchee!!!
Ely 1992
view post Posted on 3/9/2007, 11:17

si,non li avevo mai visti,carini,potevano anche non toglierli!!
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