Keira ha paura di spendere troppo per slo shopping

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~ Aretè
view post Posted on 8/12/2010, 17:24

The " Pirates of the Caribbean" actress splashes on designer items but feels guilty about obscenely spending money on clothes, reports femalefirst .

"Oh, I do like shopping, but only sometimes. The other day I wanted to buy a Burberry coat. I went into the shop, tried it on, looked at the price, nearly died, and then bought it! It was so much fun, but I still have to tell myself it's OK to do that - isn't that mad?," she said.

While she enjoys the occasional spot of retail therapy, Knightley does a lot of her shopping online and says: "It makes my life so much easier."

Keira si sente in colpa se spende troppo per lo shopping. qualche giorno fa ha visto un cappotto di Burberry, ha guardato il prezzo ed è quasi svenuta, poi l'ha comprato XD
Anche se può permetterselo, quando spende grandi cifre chiede sempre a se stessa se quell'abito merita tale prezzo.
Fa molto shopping online perchè le semplifica la vita!
~ Aerion
view post Posted on 11/12/2010, 16:51

Oh meno male una che pensa come noi mortali! brava keiruccia così mi piace XD
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